Welcome to the Dream On Seniors’ Wish Foundation, born to celebrate aging and make the dreams of seniors come true.

Dreams come in all
shapes and sizes.
Some dreamers may want computer lessons so they can keep in touch with family and easily receive photos and updates of their grandchildren. Others may want to attend a special event. Who wouldn’t want an opportunity to meet their life-long hero? Or learn to dance, sing or play an instrument? Imagine an elderly woman who dreams of traveling to her birthplace or to reunite with loved ones. The Dream On Foundation wants to prove that life doesn’t stop at 65 – in fact, it’s just getting started.

Dreamer must be
65 or older
We’re all about inspiring seniors to dream again!

Dreamer must need
a little help
Whether it’s financial, personal or even emotional help, we’re looking for seniors who can’t make their dreams come true on their own.

Dreamer must
be willing to
have their story told
Nothing inspires like a great story. Our dreamers must be willing to share their story, or let us share it on their behalf.
So how does
Dream On work?
Dreams are granted by our selection committee
(the Dream Team) based on the quality of submission.
Of course not every dream will be granted and Dream On
reserves the right to deny an application for any reason.